So this is my own web-page. I call it my happy-place, because it is, in fact, my happy-place. Having a place to do anything I want to and no one can say no, and I actually know how the hell to use it's many features (I'm looking at you, FreeWebs!). I'd say that's pretty happy. In this website you will find many things. You will, among many other things, find links to my secondary happy places. My secondary happy places are sanctuaries of happiness and fun (For me, you might hate them very much.). This is the main place. If you don't like anything here, I won't honestly care if you leave, although I do like knowing people like me, my things, etc.
Links to stuff here.
Steve's Secondary Happy Places!
Steve's a Writer! Nice!
See Where You've Been!
Explanations I don't want to give.
Bleach. Go here and I will be forced to harm you.
The Bellingham Video Game Club Website.